Stomach is a part of digestive organ system of the body. Food reaches the stomach from foodpipe (esophagus), where it is broken down into small nutrients both mechanically and chemically and then further passed into small intestine for absorption. When cells of stomach become, abnormal and grow out of control, stomach cancer arise.
Gastric Cancer is second most common cause of cancer related mortality worldwide.
Stomach cancer is 5th most common cancer and 5th most common cause of cancer related mortality in India.
Incidence of stomach cancer is low in India compared to western world and developed countries because of healthy traditional dietary habits.
Dietary Factors- diets that have large amounts of smoked foods, salted fish and meat, Processed food and pickled vegetables increases the risk. Fresh fruits and vegetables decrease the risk.
Diets that are high in fried food, processed meat, fish, and alcohol (and low in vegetables, fruits, milk, and vitamin A) have been associated with an increased risk of gastric carcinoma because of increased production of nitrates.
Age- more in >50 years
Bacteria- H.pylori is the bacteria which causes inflammation and ulcer in stomach and increases the risk of gastric cancer
Gastric ulcer and acidity/ acid reflux
Previous Stomach Surgery
Radiation Exposure
Family History/ Genetic Causes- small no of cases
At initial stages stomach cancer produce no symptoms. Its grows fast and at a time when swelling is felt in abdomen, it is almost incurable. Only around 20% of stomach cancer patients are found in early stages. Approximately 25% have a history of gastric ulcer.
Even in curable stages stomach cancer has high recurrence rates, which shows its high potential of systemic spread.
It is utmost important to consult your doctor for stomach related problems and investigate accordingly -
Indigestion/ Dyspepsia/ Early Satiety/ Heartburn are usual initial symptoms
Poor appetite
Weight Loss
Abdominal pain/ discomfort
Vomiting- may be recurrent, may be associated with blood.
- Blood Loss: may be in small amount producing anaemia. Blood in vomiting in 20% cases. Blood loss may produce brown/ dark coloured stool.
Spread inside abdomen produce fluid called malignant ascites
Spread to other organs like liver, lung produce symptoms related to organ
Upper GI Endoscopy: Endoscopy is the main test to diagnose stomach cancer. Every stomach related symptoms should be assessed properly and endoscopy should be done with low threshold whenever required. This is the most effective method to diagnose stomach cancer in early stages. Newer modalities also include endoscopic ultrasound as per requirements.
Biopsy: Suspicious areas/ growth or ulcer are subjected to biopsy by endoscope to confirm the diagnosis and type of stomach cancer.
CECT Abdomen and Chest: identifies local extent and distant organ spread properly.
PET CECT has limited advantages over and above CECT. A patient should not be subjected to repeated investigations again and again. Main emphasis is on treatment
stage 1: Limited to stomach
stage 2: Spread in deeper layers of stomach and limited no (upto 6) of nearby lymph nodes
stage 3: Full thickness involvement of stomach or direct spread in nearby organ or extensive regional lymph node spread
stage 4: Spread to distant organs
Surgery - In stage I,II and III Surgery is the mainstay of curative treatment. Most commonly performed surgery for stomach cancer are Radical Distal Gastrectomy, Total Radical Gastrectomy and Radical Proximal Gastrectomy along with Lymph Node removal. Cancer bearing part of stomach is removed and intestinal continuity is restored.
Surgery also ameliorate difficulty problems in stage IV also like obstruction and bleeding. Bypass of obstructed segment or Palliative resection is done in non-resolving symptoms of obstruction or bleeding.
Chemotherapy - Usually given either before or after Surgery in Satge II onwards stomach cancers. Sometimes given in combination with radiation therapy. In stage IV usually only chemotherapy is given
Radiation Therapy - often combined with chemotherapy in adjuvant (after surgery) settings.
Maintain healthy body weight
Diet rich in fresh fruits and vegetables
Avoid Alcohol
Avoid Tobacco
Treat H. Pylori Infection and Gastric ulcer
In hereditary diffuse gastric cancer syndrome, prophylactic gastrectomy is advised.
Stage | 5 years Survival |
Localized disease (stage I&II) | 70% |
III | 30-50% |
IV | <5% |
According to best doctor for Stomach Cancer in Gurgaon symptoms of gastric cancer include indigestion and stomach discomfort or pain. These and other signs and symptoms may be due to gastric cancer or other conditions. In the early stages of gastric cancer, the following symptoms may occur: indigestion and stomach discomfort.
The best doctor for Stomach Cancer in Gurgaon says many cases of colon cancer cannot be completely cured, but it is still possible to relieve symptoms and improve quality of life using chemotherapy and in some cases radiotherapy and surgery. If the operation is performed, surgery can cure stomach cancer, as long as all the cancerous tissue can be removed.
Nausea and vomiting: Eating solid foods, especially immediately after meals. Sometimes blood can come in the vomit. Feeling full after eating small amounts (early satiety): Many cancer patients experience a feeling of 'food fullness' in their upper stomach after eating small amounts of food. Contact Cancer Surgery Gurugram surgery gurugram for stomach cancer treatment in Gurgaon.
The five-year survival rate for stage IA colon cancer is 71%, meaning that 71% of people with stage IA colon cancer survive five years or more. Contact Cancer Surgery Gurugram surgery gurugram for stomach cancer treatment in Gurgaon.