50 years male presented with huge abdominal swelling. This swelling started around 9 months back, gradually increasing and not getting relieved with anything. Image guided biopsy diagnosed the disease as mucinous carcinoma.
Cytoreductive HIPEC Surgery was planned. Mucinous adenocarcinoma are kind of tumors with poor response to other kind of treatment. All grossly visible disease in the abdomen was removed in a long meticulously performed surgery.
Peritoneum was lifted from abdominal wall. Approx 7 Liter mucinous fluid drained.
Diseased omentum along with Right side Colon was excised. Weights around 10Kg. Intestinal continuity was restored later with ileocolic anastomosis.
Disease peritoneum from below diaphragm and Liver Glisson’s capsule was excised.Left subdoaphragmatic peritoneum excised along with splenectomy.
After Removal of all abdominal disease.
Inflow and outflow channels for HIPEc delivery positioned with temperature gauze.
Heated Chemotherapy given intraoperatively.
This surgery lasted around 12 hours. Patient was manged postoperativey in ICU and shifted to room after that. He started taking oral diet on 6 days after surgery and discharged from the hospital in 8 days.